日本財団 図書館


5. Co-operative Credit Society
Co-operative Credit Society, Yangon which provides low interest credit and saving bank facilities and advanced loans approximately 34 millions Kyats to 20,390 employees during one fiscal year.


6. Staff Model Workers Schenme
Staff Model Workers Seheme was launched and implemented since 1988-99 with the aim to bring forth good workers. The workers who have been chosen as staff model workers have rightly earned their awards because they have been found outstanding in their performance of work, attitude fostered by them towards their work and their fellow workers and in performing their tasks individually as well as collectively to the best of their ability. These workers have also been outstanding in their personal character: and in their performance of their tasks.
The Yearly selection of staff model workers and sending them for recreational trips to interesting spots is parts of Myanma Railways' endeavours to promote the incentive and welfare of the workers. As a result the model workers were awarded a one week vacation trip to Chaung Tha in 1991-92, Pngan in 1992-93, Shwenyaung in 1993-94, and Pagan in 1994-95. In the choosing process the workers were judged by their performance of work individually as well as collectively, the attitude fostered by them towards their work and to their fellow workers and also by their personal character.


7. Awards for Railway Employees' Children
Since 1988-99. Children of railway employees who gained distinctions in the middle school and high school final examinations were given monetaly awards. Similar awards were given to all railways children who gained first to third in their respective final year examinations. And monthly scholarship awards were also given to children who gained five to six distinctions in their matriculation examinations to enable them to meet the expenses for their university education.


The development plan of Railway Transport in Myanmar is based on the Demand Forecast of passenger and Freight Traffic for 1995-96 to 2000-2001. Besides this, it is to develop the social and cultural improvement and safe and smooth transportation of the undeveloped region near the border area. This is not a calculated or formulated plan of an economic model. But by implementing this plan. it will lead to have the development in efficiency and performance of Railway Transportation in Myanmar.





